A core value at Chimes Israel is that work is a necessity for every individual to support themselves with dignity in society at large. Each person, in spite of any disability, has the right to employment within the community without discrimination. Through the support of Chimes Israel’s Centers for Continued Employment and Supported Employment Programs, people with disabilities can join the workforce in accordance with their abilities and employment goals.

Centers for Continued Employment Services

Chimes Israel operates six centers for continued employment services across Israel, which provide an array of offerings for people with disabilities including employment programs, habilitation therapy services and clinical services — all tailored to each individual’s abilities and needs.

The centers deliver:

• A range of sheltered (in-house) and normative (external) employment opportunities

• Support and job training to help each client achieve their employment goals and increase their community participation

• Employment integration instruction in the areas of social skills, personal independence and self-image

• Job match services to help people attain employment that is aligned with their capabilities, preferences and salary requirements

Supported Employment

Chimes Israel supports people with disabilities who are able to work in the community by providing skills acquisition training, job opportunity identification and work placement. The program currently serves more than 100 employees in Israel’s Central and Sharon areas who work at packing centers, eldercare homes, post offices and cafes. Chimes collaborates with companies, entrepreneurs and business owners to develop employment opportunities that are mutually beneficial to the employer and employee. 

People with disabilities gain diverse and rewarding jobs while the employers gain hardworking and reliable employees with high quality outputs. Chimes assures ongoing success by assigning each worker with a personal job coach who provides ongoing guidance and leads employee-employer communication until the client is sufficiently independent.

Centers for Continued Employment Services
Havazelet Amrami – Manager

havazelet@chimesisrael.org.il, +972-50-6662265

Supported Employment Program
Maxim Tapiro – Manager

maxim.tapiro@ChimesIsrael.org.il, +972-50-6668467

Support Chimes Israel to improve the quality of life for people with disabilities