Chimes Israel operates Shiluv, a multi-faceted support program for people dually diagnosed with an intellectual or developmental disability and a behavioral health need. The program makes use of a combination of service delivery models including home-based employment, supported onsite employment and recreational activities.  

Home-Based Employment

At Chimes, we recognize the therapeutic value of work irrespective of setting. Our home-based employment program is a unique service for people who can benefit from work but are not yet ready to work in the community. This is often the first program in which an individual participates when becoming eligible for work-based services from the Ministry of Health. Our placement coordinator helps eliminate the barriers that prevent the person from working by developing a trusting relationship, helping them acquire the necessary occupational and social skills, and enlisting the encouragement of their natural supports (e.g. parents and siblings).

While the participants receive wages commensurate with their productivity, the program helps them strengthen their self-esteem, independence and sense of identity. Our specialists support the participants in this model for up to 18 months, as they work toward transitioning to an integrated onsite position. Once the participant is confident and settled in their place of work, we focus on how to achieve further growth.

Social Recreation Club

Chimes Israel runs a social recreation club for individuals ages 18 and over with intellectual disabilities. Our unique club provides members who are approved by the Ministry of Health with recreational, social and enrichment activities. The program allows them to be part of a peer group while addressing their needs for social rehabilitation. 


With its warm, familial atmosphere, the club offers a variety of activities and classes in topics such as art, animal care, psychodrama, bibliotherapy, cooking classes, fitness and healthy lifestyle, illness management and recovery (IMR) and neuro-linguistic programming (NLP). In addition, members enjoy guest lectures, tours and excursions, fun days, holiday parties, joint birthday celebrations, social experiences and connections. Participating in club activities helps members acquire social skills to meet

Support Chimes Israel to improve the quality of life for people with disabilities