Help Us Open Doors for People with Disabilities in Israel
Our volunteers are an integral part of Chimes Israel’s ongoing activities and their work makes a huge difference in helping to open doors for people with disabilities. Each year, hundreds of people of all ages from all sectors of society, help people in Chimes’ programs use their own abilities to lead lives of dignity, independence and community participation.

התנדבות בעמותת צ'יימס ישראל

Volunteer from Anywhere in Israel
From north to south, we offer a wide variety of volunteer placements in more than 20 programs in 14 Municipal areas. You can assist them in their daily activities, provide lectures, teach an activity or skill, mentor, train mentors, work with children or adults, and so much more. Based on your interests, we can match you with people and programs across the spectrum of need

Volunteer Whenever You Can
Chimes Israel’s programs operate on weekdays from early morning to late afternoon, and many have Friday sessions, allowing us to tailor opportunities to meet your schedule. Whether you are looking to do something once or be an ongoing volunteer, we can provide you with opportunities to change people’s lives for the better. 

Volunteer Your Passion
Share your special interest or skill with people with disabilities. We at Chimes Israel are open to any idea that would improve the lives of the clients we serve. Based on your desires, skills and ideas, we will help find the perfect setting for your concept.

Volunteer with Your Workplace

Encourage your place of work to volunteer as a group for a special day of giving back to the community. Or plan with us a way for your employees to help on an ongoing basis. We will work with you to develop meaningful volunteer experiences that capitalize on your workers’ talents and support your company’s values. Volunteering can be one-time or long-term.

There are always ways to bring light into the lives of our clients. You can start a “pen pal” relationships with our people with disabilities through email, Whatsapp or regular mail. They are always thrilled to make friends and receive caring messages from people in faraway places.  Bar and Bat Mitzvah kids can make Chimes Israel their mitzvah project, creating fundraisers to offer new services and equipment for children their own age in our programs.

Volunteer as Part of the Israeli National Service (Sherut Leumi)

We at Chimes Israel encourage you to volunteer at one of our programs as part of your Sherut Leumi (Israeli National Service) service. Working with people with special needs is fulfilling, meaningful and fun. We will make sure your time is well-spent making a significant difference in the lives of children and adults with disabilities.

Volunteer Under Your Impact Scholarship!

Chimes Israel is a member of IMPACT!, a Friends of the IDF (FIDF) program that provides  university scholarships to IDF combat veterans who cannot afford the cost of higher education.

While pursuing their university education, IMPACT! scholarship recipients are required to pay it forward by volunteering in their community. If you are an IMPACT! recipient, we encourage you to make a difference in the lives of people with disabilities by volunteering at Chimes Israel.

Interested in volunteering with us?

Fill in your details and we will contact you as soon as possible.

Support Chimes Israel to improve the quality of life for people with disabilities